
2023 Eye-tracking lab members at the bi-weekly lab meeting with visiting scholar Joara Bergsleithner

Brittany Finch and Pamela Calderon presenting their research at the Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF) at MSU

Aline Godfroid presenting "Eye Tracking as a Tool for Language Researchers" at the 2021Penn State Workshops in Research Methods for Applied Linguistics

Lizz Huntley collecting data in the SLS EyeLink Lab


SLS Eye-tracking Lab members showing off their copies of Dr. Aline Godfroid's book, Eye Tracking in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism


SLS Eye-tracking Lab members with Dr. Frank Boers after his talk, Instructional approaches to multiword items in a second language, at the 2020 Second Language Studies Symposium

End-of-year poster session of the MSU Eye Tracking Research Group and the students in LLT 818 Eye Movement Research in Second Language Acquisition