Aline Godfroid, PhD
Lab Director
Eyelink Lab
Research Fields:
1. Second Language Psycholinguistics
2. Eye Tracking Methodology in SLA
3. Vocabulary Learning and Teaching
Paula Winke, PhD
Lab Director
Tobii Lab
Research Fields:
1. Language Testing and Assessment
2. Task-based Language Teaching
3. Language Teaching Method
Brittany Finch
PhD Student
Lab Manager
Research Fields:
1. L1 & L2 psycholinguistics
2. Predictive processing
3. Literacy
4. Lexical processing
Monique Yoder
PhD Student
Lab Member
Research Fields:
1. Classroom-based language assessment
2. Language assessment literacy
3. Language test development
4. Task clarity in writing assessments
5. Rater behavior
Joanne Koh
PhD Student
Lab Member
Research Fields:
1. The role of technology in mediating L2 learning and teaching
2. Cognitive processes in L2 vocabulary acquisition and learning
3. Cognitive mechanisms under technology-mediated language learning
Matt Coss
PhD Student
Lab Member
Research Fields:
1. Task-based and proficiency language assessment and the interface between assessment, instruction, and curriculum development
2. Instructed SLA
3. Program evaluation
Kiyo Suga
PhD Student
Lab Member
Research Fields:
1. Instructed Second Language Acquisition (ISLA), specifically how to develop L2 learners’ implicit knowledge through systematic form-focused instruction
2. Second language teaching (e.g., how theory/evidence-based L2 instruction can be successfully incorporated into teaching practice)
Alan Hezao Ke
Assistant Professor of Linguistics
Lab Member
Research Fields:
1. Experimental and computational approaches to syntax,
2. Topics in semantics and psycholinguistics such as language acquisition and sentence processing
J. Dylan Burton, PhD (2023)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
The role of nonverbal behavior and affect on ratings of second language proficiency.
Ayşen Tuzcu, PhD (2023)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
Unimodal and bimodal input in incidental vocabulary learning: Cognitive processes and the development of different knowledge types.
Elizabeth (Lizz) Huntley, PhD (2023)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
L2 Acquisition of sociolinguistically varying vocabulary.
Ryo Maie, PhD (2022)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
Testing the three-stage model of second language skill acquisition.
Yingzhao Chen, PhD (2023)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
Unpacking the comparison of first- and second-language glosses in vocabulary learning from reading.
Melody (Wenyue) Ma, PhD (2023)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
An investigation of the validity of a Chinese placement test.
Bronson Hui, PhD (2021)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
A construct validation study of implicit and time sensitive vocabulary measures.
Wenjing (Wendy) Li, PhD (2020)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
Tracing Chinese international students' language and literacy socialization trajectories within and outside the first-year writing context in a U.S. university.
Myeongeun Son, PhD (2020)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
L2 Language development in oral and written modality.
Xuehong (Stella) He, PhD (2020)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
Working Memory, Presentation Formats, and Attention: An Eye-tracking Study on Learning L2 Chinese Characters in a Computer-Assisted Self-Study Environment.
Kathy Minhye Kim, PhD (2020)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
Exploring the Interface of Explicit and Implicit Second-Language Knowledge: A Longitudinal Perspective.
Natalya Koval, PhD (2020)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
Testing the reminding account of the lag effect in L2 vocabulary acquisition from overt retrieval practice within a paired associate learning format.
Jieun (Irene) Ahn, PhD (2019)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
The Effect of Prior L1 Knowledge on the Implicit and Explicit Learning of L2 Syntax from Reading a Novel.
Ina Choi, PhD (2018)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
Learning words under incidental and intentional learning conditions: An eye-tracking study.
Jie Liu, PhD (2018)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
The L2 acquisition of Chinese classifiers: Comprehension and production.
Roman Chepyshko, PhD (2018)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
Locative Verbs in L2 Learning: A Modular Processing Perspective.
Le Anne Spino-Seijas, PhD (2017)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
Grammatical gender agreement in L2 Spanish: The role of syntactic context.
Laura Ballard, PhD (2017)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
The Effects of Primacy on Rater Cognition: An Eye-Tracking Study.
Ayman Mohamed, PhD (2015)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
The roles of context and repetition in incidental vocabulary acquisition from L2 reading: An eye movement study.
Sehoon Jung, PhD (2017)
Doctoral dissertation
(Michigan State University)
The Effects of Age of Immersion and Working Memory on Second Language Processing of Island Constraints: An Eye-Movement Study.